Hi, I'm
I’m a Designer, Printer, Developer, and a Lifelong Learner.
I was the kind of kid who had a new dream job every week. I was just interested in everything. I’m proud to say I haven’t changed a bit. I’ve narrowed down a little in terms of career, but I’m still the same kid with a million interests at once.
Born in the Dominican Republic, I immigrated to the United States when I was 7 years old. The experience of learning a new language and immersing myself in a new culture inspired my desire to communicate with others visually. After studying graphic design in high school, my future careers list was reduced to a single industry – graphic design – a career that would include touchpoints in all of the other industries on the list.
Having the privilege of learning print production while studying graphic design in high school, I fell in love with this side of the industry, but quickly developed a love affair with web design and coding. Now pursuing a bachelor of science in graphic design at Johnson & Wales University, I am focusing in web design while continuing to gain print production and layout experience at my production assistant position at local print shop Copy Cats Inc.
Unsurprisingly, my career choice has changed again after all of the experiences I’ve had while studying design. While I would like to continue gaining experience in all kinds of positions in Print, Design, and web development, my final goal is to be a design professor. I have always loved learning and school and after having so many amazing instructors and professors in High School and College I have been inspired to become a teacher. I want to be able to guide the next generations of designers and learn from and with them as we reach into the future.
As previously mentioned—I have about a million interests! And I can make you a very long slide show about all of them—because presentation design is another one of my big interests. I love maximalism, pattern design, bold colors, and even bolder fonts. I also love anime, music, books, and movies.