Flat and Trifold Menu Design

Print Design Branding

Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator,

Bringing Hawaiian Cuisine to you.

Hibiscus & Dole is a Hawaiian cuisine restaurant created in collaboration between JWU design and culinary majors.  Tasked to continue with this brand and design their flat and folded menus using typographic hierarchy and colors of my choosing, I took inspiration from Hawaiian culture for my designs.

Color and Typography

To create a unique Hawaiian experience, I used vibrant floral colors and deep greens all around the menus. For the Typography Bodoni was used for the categories of the menu while Lora was used for the menu items themselves, creating a fun but sophisticated image for the brand. 

Editorial Choices

I started off with the floral illustrations of the logo and created my own supplementary drawings and colored them to fit the color theme I had decided on. These floral illustrations created a border around the menu and encased it in color to create the atmosphere of being in Hawaii.

It was hard to lay out a list of items such as the ones on the menu as it just teetered the edge of too many items and not enough items. In order to fill up space but not make the menu look too busy, I chose to add a drinks menu based on what other Hawaiian restaurants have on their menus. I  also chose to split the drinks and the snacks into multiple columns to conserve space and make the menu not entirely left-aligned.

A New Layout

Moving the flat layout into the trifold layout was difficult and involved a lot of test prints and trying to get things to align just right. It was also harder because of how much space was lost because of the folds. In the end, the result was favorable.


While the project was challenging, I felt that I learned a lot from it. Working to move branding from different layouts was challenging but a helpful step into learning to maintain consistency with your brand. The final product was also much better than I imagined and I had a lot of fun with the illustrations despite how simple they were.