Recent Projects

Case studies coming soon!

A  bootstrap website for a fictional app that connect volunteer translators to people in need of translation. The website features a variety of informative page and even an interactive test through of what the App would look like if you were a volunteer.

For my very first bootstrap website I ended up trying to make a very ‘not bootstrap’ website. I created this highly stylized portfolio like website for a fictional custom glassware company. The page was inspired by my love of glass and pages like the About page are my absolute favorite.

Paper Park is a fictional paper company dedicated to sustainability and recycling. I created the brand and logo and expanded it into a detailed brand book before passing it on to a classmate whose job was to use the book and my guidance as an art director to create deliverables based on my creative brief.

To start off the semester I was challenged to Design 10 Logos within 10 different industries and a variety of logo styles and trends. This was leading up to a brand book project where we would expand on one of the logos.

As Second Year Portfolio Review Day came closer, we were tasked with design an invitation flyer for the event. My design and my classmate Anna Luetzelschwab’s design were both chosen and our professor decided we should collaborate and unite our ideas. My idea was the Cutting Mat and paper and her idea was based around illustrations of things that represented  the Graphic Design major. My layout and her amazing hand-lettering and illustrations made for a great invitation.

As the final project of my Typography class, I created cards that matched every letter of the alphabet with a font that started with that letter AND with a color that started with that letter as well.

more projects yet to come!